Marquee Example

Grandparents’ Day

“Grandparents are like magicians. They can create wonderful memories for their grandchildren out of thin air. ”
Grandparents are a family’s greatest treasure, the founders of a loving legacy, the greatest storytellers, and the keepers of traditions. Grandparents are a family’s strong foundation. Their special love and care holds the family together. To honour their unconditional love, Salwan Public School celebrated “Grandparents’ Day” on September 23, 2022 for classes Nur-K.G.

The programme commenced by welcoming the grandparents with a tilak, followed by the welcome speech given by our respected Headmistress, Mrs. Sheetal Kapoor. An enthralling song, “I love you Grandma Grandpa,” by the Young Salwanians, left the grandparents spellbound and thoroughly mesmerized. The event was followed by a graceful dance performance with the most supple and smooth movements. The ‘Talent Show’ won admiration and love from the audience. Grandparents and children came together and performed with confidence and enthusiasm on the stage. Our tiny tots showed off their flexible moves. Their aerobics workout had filled the whole ambiance with a bundle of energy. Many exciting games were conducted by the sports department, like ‘Balance’ is for girls, and ‘Pass the ball’ is for boys. All the winners were rewarded with exciting prizes by our respected Principal ma’am. The celebration brought a burst of happiness and joy to the faces of the teachers, students, parents, and most importantly, our wonderful grandparents. Today’s celebration of grandparents’ day was indeed a heart-touching experience.
In the words of Alex Haley, “Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do.”


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