Disaster Management Mock Drill

A Disaster Management Mock Drill was successfully conducted at Salwan Mayur Vihar on May 1st, 2024, aiming to enhance safety preparedness and awareness. The entire school staff and students, actively participated in the mock drill session, It focused on improving responses to potential disasters efficiently. The drill, completed within a set timeframe, aimed to inform, educate, and facilitate quick evacuation protocols.
During the planning phase, there was careful coordination among authorities and team members. The mock drill was meticulously planned, including arrangements for equipment, communication channels, and evacuation routes. A flowchart of evacuation route – ground map was designed as a visual aid to explain the planning process. Subsequently, during the execution, the drill proceeded smoothly with the activation of a simulated disaster scenario and clear instructions given out effectively. Closing the drill was addressed by Principal and followed up with dispersal back to the classes.
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