Marquee Example

Cyber Safety Awareness Workshop












Resource person:  Shri H.S. Randawa, an ACP-Cyber Crime Officer from the Delhi Police.

A highly informative and enlightening session on “Cyber Safety Awareness” as part of the commemoration of National Cyber Awareness Month was organised for a safer Digital Future.

Mr. H S Randhawa joined us for an eye-opening session on the same. With his insights and expertise from Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations (IFSO), Delhi Police, he enlightened the students on how to navigate the digital world safely, recognize and report cyber incidents, and ensure a more secure online environment for all. He emphasized the legal consequences of using prohibited substances and the potential impact on an individual’s future.

The session concluded with a pledge to be a good digital citizen and strong emphasis on the collective responsibility of individuals, organizations, and law enforcement agencies to collaborate in combating cybercrime.

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