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Celebrating the Inauguration of the 75th Batch of the Adolescent Peer Educators Leadership Program in Mental Health and Well-Being

The webinar celebrated the inauguration of the 75th Batch of the Adolescent Peer Educators  Leadership Program in Mental Health and Well-Being. Organized by the Central Board of  Secondary Education (CBSE), the event aimed to promote holistic development and mental  well-being among students.

The CBSE has recognized the significance of  holistic development and integrated Life Skills based Health and Wellbeing Education into its  curriculum. In collaboration with Expressions  India, the CBSE established the Adolescent Peer  Educators Leadership Program. This program has  empowered young individuals to become leaders  in promoting mental health and well-being among  their peers. Over the course of 74 batches, around 7,200  students and 3,500 teachers/counselors from  1,730 schools across the country have  participated in this prestigious training program  from November 2021 to June 2023.

The primary objective of the program is to equip and empower students to create a  participatory climate for behavioral change and adaptation. It aims to foster an inclusive  environment that supports the psychosocial well-being and development of life skills in  children and adolescents.The webinar marked the beginning of the 75th Batch of the Adolescent Peer Educators  Leadership Program. Renowned mental health professionals, including Dr. Jitendra Nagpal,  Smt. Nidhi Chibber, and Dr. Joseph Emmanuel, delivered inspiring speeches. The webinar  provided an opportunity for interactive sessions, allowing participants to engage with the  resource persons and share their experiences. It  was recommended to establish peer-led centres or clubs within schools, guided by mentor  teachers, to enhance the ongoing program. The  outcomes of the program align with the larger  vision of NEP 2020, focusing on holistic  development and mental well-being in students. The webinar showcased the commitment of the  CBSE and Expressions India in promoting mental  health and well-being among students. By  empowering adolescent peer educators, the  program aims to create a positive impact on the  mental health landscape of our community. The  participation and sensitivity displayed by the  students highlight their potential to create a  ripple effect in promoting mental well-being.

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