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CBSE Workshop on ‘Science of Reading’

Reading serves as the cornerstone of education and personal growth, significantly impacting academic success and cognitive development. The National Education Policy (NEP) of 2020 underscores the importance of promoting a reading culture among students to enhance their literacy skills and overall learning outcomes.

The first session of the training program focussed on discussing the necessity of inculcating reading habits among children. It was emphasized that proficient reading skills correlate directly with academic success across subjects. Additionally, reading promotes empathy, critical thinking, and a broader understanding of the world. The lack of basic reading proficiency among students hinders their academic progress and future prospects.

The second session focussed on the features and functionality of the CBSE Reading App. The CBSE Reading App aligns with the objectives of the NEP by providing access to high-quality reading material for students from Nursery to Grade X in both Hindi and English. The app is designed to nurture higher-order skills such as creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, visualization, and idea generation. Some key features of the app include:

  • Thoughtfully curated reading material catering to different age groups and interests.
  • Integration of engaging activities to promote interactive learning and comprehension.
  • Accessibility of the app on the CBSE online technology platform, ensuring ease of use for both teachers and students.
  • Incorporation of features to track students’ progress and tailor reading recommendations accordingly.


As part of the CBSE Reading Mission, a Guinness World Record attempt for “the most children reading at one time” is scheduled for 19th June 2024. This initiative aims to foster a strong culture of reading among students nationwide and highlight the significance of literacy in education.

The training program reiterated the importance of reading in education and personal development, emphasizing the role of teachers in cultivating a reading culture among students. By leveraging the features of the CBSE Reading App and participating in initiatives like the Guinness World Record attempt, teachers can play a pivotal role in instilling a lifelong love for reading and equipping students with essential literacy skills for their academic and personal growth.

Recommendations and next steps include encouraging active participation of students in the National Reading Day and Reading Week celebrations, promoting the use of the CBSE Reading App among students to enhance their reading skills and comprehension and Regular monitoring and evaluation of students’ progress using the CBSE Reading App.

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