Reading Challenge

Reading is a fundamental skill that fuels academic success, personal growth, and lifelong learning. In our school, we recognize the immense value of cultivating a love for reading among students. To foster this, a monthly Reading Challenge has been designed to inspire and motivate students.
To carry this initiative forward, Classes I and II recently participated in a reading challenge focused on diagraphs and jumbled words on Wednesday ,31 July 2024. In the initial round, students were tasked with reading aloud diagraphs and unscrambling jumbled words displayed on a whiteboard by the facilitator. Advancing to the second round, selected students randomly drew slips from a bowl containing diagraphs and jumbled words, demonstrating their skills further.
The third round featured more advanced words, culminating in the selection of the top reader from each class. These outstanding students will be recognised and appreciated with a reading star in the forthcoming assembly.
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