Marquee Example


Session: CBSE – CPD NEP 2020  

Date: September 24, 2022

Speaker: Mr. Joginder and Mr. Pushendra Singh

No. of Participants: 35


Salwan Public School, Mayur Vihar organized one full-day workshop on New National Education Policy 2020 in collaboration with CBSE on 24th September 2022 in the school premises. The main objective of this Workshop was to create awareness about the National Education Policy-2020 amongst teachers and to familiarize them with the skills to help them understand its nuances, curriculum changes, the shift in pedagogical skills and its implementation for the 360-degree holistic development of its stakeholders, the students.

Mr. Jogendra Kumar, an associate professor DIET Moti Bagh. And Mr. Pushpendera Singh, Impact Speaker & Resource Person CBSE, Capacity Building Programmes since 2020 took the sessions. The session began with an energizer on NCF. Mr. Joginder explained that the new National Educational Policy-2020 seeks to introduce and implement a sea of changes across all levels of education in India. Further, he apprised the educators that the New Education Policy is based on the pillars of “access, equity, equality, affordability, accountability”. NEP emphasizes moving students away from rote learning and raising literacy and numeracy skills at the foundational level. Mr. Joginder simultaneously kept on clearing the doubts of the educators.

They concluded the session by emphasizing that NEP-2020 focuses on – regular, formative and competency-based assessment, promoting learning and development of students and testing

higher-order skills (analysis, critical thinking and conceptual clarity, etc.)



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