In an inspiring session, author Mrs Swagata Deb captivated students as she introduced her book, Why the Apple Falls: Fantastic Physics for Children. Co-authored with her husband Mr
Sandipan Deb, the book offers a journey through the fascinating world of physics, blending science, history, and imagination. She shared her personal experiences and explained the inspiration behind the book, which took four years to complete. She introduced the students to some of history’s greatest physicists and mathematicians, such as Rishi Kanada and his theory of atoms, Archimedes, Madhava (the inventor of calculus), Copernicus,
Newton, JC Bose, and Einstein. She even touched on modern scientific theories, including the idea that we might be living in a Matrix-like simulation.
She posed intriguing questions to the students, such as “Why do apples fall down and not up?”, “Why does an astronaut become younger than her twin sister?”, and “Why does a smashed glass not repair itself?” The students eagerly answered all her questions and participated enthusiastically in the discussions. Their passion, knowledge, and the high level of questions they asked impressed the author who expressed her delight at seeing their dedication.
She praised the students for their discipline and strong understanding of the subject, leaving them inspired to explore the wonders of the universe further. It was a session filled with curiosity, learning, and a shared love for physics, making it a memorable experience for everyone involved.

हिन्दी दिवस
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